About Us

The Community Justice Center (CJC) is the leading restorative justice practitioner and educator in the State of Nebraska.

The Community Justice Center was founded in 2001, by James Jones, and is a Black-founded and Black-led peer organization. We offer institutional and community programming that serves the needs of all stakeholders affected by harm.

We are victims, offenders, their families, and allies working to implement restorative justice practices in our communities.

We provide effective and evidence-based programming, services, and peer facilitation/support in: all Nebraska Department of Correctional Services institutions, the Douglas County Department of Corrections, with Nebraska Probation Reporting Centers statewide, the Colorado Department of Corrections, and in Nebraska communities. We have served more than 16,000 justice-involved individuals and thousands of victims/survivors of harm and community members. 

Read about our research here.

We serve everyone involved in the criminal justice system: victims, offenders and the community with healing-centered resources and research-backed education.

Our restorative work strives to repair harm and rebuild relationships in the community and as people, working to heal in the aftermath of harm.  Our work keeps thousands of people out of prison, provides a new path for current justice-involved individuals, increases public safety, helps heal victims, and saves the millions in tax dollars.

What is Restorative Justice?

Restorative Justice is a response to crime that focuses on addressing the harm suffered by victims, holding offenders accountable, and collectively dealing with the consequences of crime. This process rehabilitates offenders, heals victims, and rebuilds communities.

Victim Resources


Community Resources


Offender Resources

How can you help?

Support our restorative work by donating to the cause. Even a small donation makes a big impact to the community. Be part of our mission now!

Our mission

  • Offer restorative justice practices for all harmed by crime; victims, offenders, and community.
  • Reduce prison and probation populations by healing justice-involved individuals through advanced understanding, accountability, and responsibility
  • Successfully return individuals back into their communities safely

Learn more about the meaning and impact of restorative justice.

Video is used with permission from Brave New Films

The Community Justice Center

211 North 14th Street

Ste. 309

Lincoln, NE 68508

Phone: 402-277-8111 or




The Community Justice Center

2401 Lake Street

Ste. 240

Omaha, NE 68111