
If we want offenders to share the values and rules of a community, we need to make sure they feel a part of it.

Belonging is a powerful feeling. As offenders re-enter the community, how do we welcome restored individuals without stigma? The Community Justice Center works with communities across Nebraska to create safer and more inclusive communities.

Our approach is grounded in the belief that ALL individuals – despite what they have done or what’s happened to them – are valued and worthy to be restored and made whole as much as possible.

How you can support our mission:

Invite us to speak at your organization or conference

The Community Justice Center provides presentations on our restorative justice program to schools, civic groups, organizations, churches, and communities. These presentations explain the concepts of restorative justice and how we can all be involved in the healing process

Donate to our cause

Our work is creating massive change to the criminal justice system in Nebraska. Offenders who go through our programs are three times less likely to offend again. Our communities reap the benefits of this transformation by saving tax dollars, an increase to our public safety, and reduction of future crime.

“The project offers a needed addition to the restorative justice options available to us to repair the tears in our community fabric caused by crime.”
– Lee Copenhagen, Project Director at the Gallatin Community Justice Center, Bozeman, MT

Members of the community can be impacted by crime in many ways. Friends and families of both victims and offenders as well as bystanders can all have lasting and unexpected emotional trauma. Do you have a story to tell about how crime has impacted you as a community member?

Speaking Request

For speaking requests, complete the following form:

The Community Justice Center

211 North 14th Street

Ste. 309

Lincoln, NE 68508

Phone: 402-277-8111 or



The Community Justice Center

2401 Lake Street

Ste. 240

Omaha, NE 68111